What to expect
We are a laid back and casual community! We welcome you to come as you are - no need to dress up.
After being greeted in the foyer, feel free to make your way into the sanctuary. We begin the service with a few songs, a time of prayer, kids dismissal (more information below,) some brief announcements, and then a sermon. Our service typically begins at 10:00am and ends around 11:15.
If you have age 3 or younger, we have provided a safe and engaging space for your child! We value young families and want to be a blessing to you. For your convenience, the nursery is open at the beginning of service - just check your kids in and focus on what God wants to say to you!
We typically dismiss for children’s church after the second song. At that time, we kindly request that you escort your PreK-K child to their classroom!
Children’s Church:
We have a wonderful children’s ministry for students from 1st-8th grade! During the dismissal, we will provide direction for your children to find the appropriate classroom. We kindly request that all kids aged 3rd grade or younger be picked up by a parent after service.
We have a dynamic and vibrant worship ministry which encourages the church to give Christ praise! Our team is devoted to equipping the saints in worship as we pray and sing songs that lift up the Name of Jesus.
Every week we hear an encouraging and applicable message from God’s word, typically shared by our Senior Pastor Stephen Hartman.
So Much More Than Sunday!
We have so many programs and events open to our community. Men’s studies, women’s luncheons, youth ministry, and more! Feel free to browse through this website and find out what God is up to in our community!
Still have questions?
Feel free to call our church office at 609-296-9673